Losing Control is out now!

Image: Yama Rasooli.
Rising artist BOY CHAD recently dropped his new single, Losing Control. We caught up with the musician to chat about the release, his hyperpop realm, competing on HBO Max’s Craftopia and so much more!
Tell us a bit about how you began your musical journey, and your background in music…
It all began for me when I was a curious artistic child. At 8 years old I attended AGC (AMAZING GRACE CONSERVATORY) ran by actor Wendy Raquel Robinson where literally everyday we would act, sing and dance and then at the end of the term we would put on a performance at a theatre for all of our friends and family. My mother put me in there as something to keep me occupied in the summer; however it turned into a real love and passion for the arts. Fast forward to high school I would record everything and have a passion for filmmaking, so that turned into me building a following on youtube by 2009 and then shooting music videos for artists. Being in the studio a lot and around musicians the gears started turning for me, I thought to myself “I could really do this myself.” I already had the vision, I already had the name, I already had the look and the talent, so I did it!
Your new single Losing Control navigates themes of struggling with success and mental health. How important was it for you to use this record as a vehicle to highlight these themes and share stories of mental health?
:I think sometimes toxic positivity is an issue. There's nothing wrong with being optimistic, however there's also nothing wrong with being realistic and sometimes you just need to allow yourself to lose control in order to regain your grip on yourself. Picture a person smiling with the biggest smile everyday all day but secretly they are the most unhappy inside. It’s ok to frown sometimes and just let the feelings in, so you can overcome them.
Were there any parts that you found particularly difficult when creating the song, having such a personal and intimate conceptual nature?
Creating this song was pretty easy, everything came naturally and I worked on it in a different way than I usually would. For Losing Control the beat was made first and then I structured everything around that, I just wanted to feel a vibe first.
Your music exists within a hyperpop sonic realm, with Losing Control weaving in threads of 2000’s emo pop punk influences. How did you arrive at the sounds we hear on the song?
I typically use a lot of guitar in my music however I have always been drawn to electronic and hyperpop sounds so I essentially went back in on the beat after I layed down vocals to play with different sounds. It's insane how much a song can change if you swap out a synth for a piano for example.
If the song was a piece of pre-existing visual art, which artwork would it be?
Losing Control would be The Matrix films, that's where this piece of music exists, and lives, the song lifts the veil that the matrix is and allows you to run free and just exist.
What’s one line from the release you find at times can be stuck in your head? Or a line that you come back to?
“How do I sleep without my drug?” This is something I continuously come back to because it’s not only catchy but it is realistic. Many people can’t sleep without something, that drug can be a security blanket, melatonin, TV, their partner etc. What do you feel you need to fall asleep?
You direct, edit and produce all your music videos. What are the advantages of having that complete control over your visual output?
The advantages are that I do not have to listen to anyone about my ideas. I just think about what I want and execute it. My only limitations are based on how much money I have to put into a particular project but other than that I can do whatever I want as well as have the final say on the edit. I do not like over working on projects because then it loses the organic nature of it. Just put it out and improve on the next one, it will never be “perfect” so combing over every little detail brings down the essence of the piece. So overall I would say the biggest advantage for me having complete control is turnaround time.
You’ve just competed in season 2 of HBO Max’s Craftopia. What drew you to taking part in the show?
I have always been artsy, crafting planes and other things when I was younger, this seemed like the perfect show for me to be on. When I was on Craftopia it felt like a fun thing to be a part of because I could showcase my crafting abilities within a set time. It's a friendly competition and I am such a fan of that.
What was your favourite creation from the series?
Cornelius the giant inflatable candy corn that I made! I feel like I really captured the essence of the challenge as well as using an unconventional material tablecloth! No sewing or anything was used and I made an inflatable candy corn. I even impressed myself because that was my first time trying anything like that.
What can we expect from you for the rest of 2021? And will we be hearing an album anytime soon?
You will hear and see more content surrounding Losing Control, as well as an extra special dance video coming soon! An album isn’t in the works yet, but a short EP of songs for sure, I have some really gnarly plans for that.
Biggest influences?
Michael Jackson, Klaus Nomi, Bjork, Nicki Minaj.
Dream collaboration?
Nicki Minaj
Album that has had the most impact on you?
It’s between Thriller or Bad please don't do this to me, i'm obsessed.
How do you define your musical style in 3 words?
Catchy, Futuristic, Avante-Garde
Best song of 2021 so far?
Lil Nas X - MONTERO (call me by your name).
If you could create the soundtrack for any film, which one would it be?
The Matrix or Halloween
Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus?
Miley for sure, waaaaaaaaaaaay cooler
What was the first song you loved to sing?
I would always sing Alicia Keys - If I Ain't Got You
A song you would love to cover on tour?
Grand Piano - Nicki Minaj
Album you would listen to on repeat on a road trip?
Starrah - The Longest Interlude
First concert you went to?
Best concert you have been to?
Lady Gaga
First album you ever bought?
Missy Elliot - Under Construction
Would you rather be a Spice Girl or a Backstreet Boy?
Spice Girl
If you were a Spice Girl, what would your spice nickname be?
Icy Spice
Most memorable show you’ve ever performed?
It was this small show at The Roxy in LA. Diplo and a whole bunch of Mad Decent artists were there so I felt seeeen LOL
Guilty music pleasure?
Paris Hilton, especially High off My Love feat. Birdman. OMG its a bop
If you could support any artist on tour, who would it be?
Tierra Whack, our styles would mesh perfectly.
An artist you think has had the most influence on the music industry.
Missy Elliot
What advice would your current self give your future self, for a year from now?
To keep going, build it and they will come, eventually someone will see your talent and want to invest the time into sharing it with the world.
The moment you knew you wanted to be a musician?
Seeing My first MJ music video growing up, I wanted my music videos to be movies and the only way to do that is to make music!
Losing Control is out now!