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Katerina Papathanasopoulos


Join our monthly book club!

Image: Hachette Australia.

Our September book club pick is The Phoenix Keeper. 

The Phoenix Keeper by S.A. Maclean is, in fact, a magical book. One that will make you laugh, face palm (because it was a tad bit too relatable) and have you sitting on the edge of your seat. 

Between the animals and sweet relationships you’ll want to escape to this world. I, for one, would definitely want to work at this zoo as it reminded me of my own experiences, visiting zoos with breeding programs who are all about conservation and the protection of rare species. You’ll find yourself dwelling on this very topic days after reading this book. It’s a facet that speaks to reality. 

Another key focus is that of mental health, particularly explored through our main characters relationships with others. Again, something relatable. That’s just it, this fantasy read is somewhat grounded in reality through elements that exist in our world. 

It’s a book that will definitely leave you contemplating things and reminiscing on scenes long after you finish. It’s also a novel I want adapted to screen. 

The Phoenix Keeper is available now via Hachette Australia.


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