SOLD! is out now!

Image: Maya Luana
Sydney garage-rockers Mesmeriser are back, sharing their new EP, SOLD!. To celebrate the release, we wanted you to get to know your new favourite trio, so Mesmeriser have shared some fun facts about the band with MILKY!
Recorded at Yap Yap Studios, the conceptual release documents the life span of three ‘corporate drones’, living the day to day grind at a call centre. Frontman Myles Fischer shares: “Not just any call centre, but the call centre of God, not only are their jobs on the line, but so are their souls…Numbers are down, tensions are up, as the drones attempt to sell the company’s ‘Salvation Plan’. Through their personas Mesmeriser navigate; over-indulgence, needless consumerism, gluttony and snobbery.”
To celebrate the release, Mesmeriser will take to the stage at Sydney's Waywards next week, joined by Slim Jimz and The Causeway. Tickets are on sale now!
The name Mesmeriser was inspired by Regurgitator: In their youth Sam and Myles were wracking their brains for a name for their new music outfit. A guitar/vocal duo at the time, the soon to be Mesmeriser couldn’t come up with a name. We were never enamoured with the idea of being The something-or-others or heaven forbid, a number band. Thankfully, Sam mentioned this Aussie band called Regurgitator which sounded infinitely cooler, and Mesmeriser was born from there.
Mesmeriser will be featured in Barton Lynch Pro Surfing 2022: Remember the days of classic sport/racing games like Need for Speed, Kelly Slater’s Pro Surfer and So-and-So’s Golf Tour Deluxe? Yeah, us too… AND remember how the songs are bored so deep into your psyche, they trigger all kinds of memories and you can’t help but tear up when you hear them? Man, those were the days… Anyway we’re going to be in a new AUSTRALIAN MADE surfing game, which we still can’t quite believe…
Myles is a random fact generator: To the dismay of many a party-goer, Myles has a seemingly endless array of random (i.e. useless) facts that sometimes inform, but almost always irk. Supported by his signature line ‘I think you’ll find’, there isn’t a random fact that isn’t met with a mild-moderate groan from his friends, unfortunately, it’s never slowed him down.
Oscar is not only Mesmeriser’s drummer, he’s also our keyboardist, engineer, producer and inhouse wizard: Oscar is like a Swiss army knife, but instead of having kinda good versions of a bunch of tools, he’s an all-out master at all of them. We’d let him have the spotlight, but there’d be just too many egos flying around in the band, ya know?
Mesmeriser toured Europe in 2018: Ah, the good old days of overseas travel. In 2018 Mesmeriser was lucky enough to play a bunch of European summer events. We threw wine, then gigged, watched people get chased by bulls, then gigged, threw tomatoes, then gigged… you get the idea. We had an absolute blast playing shows to new crowds in some of the most beautiful locations in Europe. Fingers crossed we can get back soon.
SOLD! is out now!