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Vasili Papathanasopoulos

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15-year-old Toronto singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist AVIV has unveiled her compelling new single, You Feel Like Depression. which arrives alongside an animated visual.

Taking listeners on a sonic ride, the genre-bending release effortlessly weaves together lullaby pop melodies that build towards disorderly guitar work in the songs commanding alt-rock infused chorus. AVIV's dulcet and mesmerising tones throughout the songs verses are juxtaposed by a more-self assured vocal performance that stomps throughout the songs chorus. Bringing vivid imagery and lyricism, the song explores and documents the complex emotions that arise as a relationship meets its demise, and the realisation that we shouldn't compromise our own self-worth for another,

Speaking of the track, the singer shares: "A breakup is many times accompanied by self-guilt, self-blame and an overall feeling of failure. This feeling is amplified when the person with whom you’ve ended the relationship blames you for the breakup. The song You Feel Like Depression was written about such relationship and the realization that the end of a relationship is much more complex and that usually many factors contribute to the demise. The song is presented as a dialogue - with one party blaming me for the breakup with lines such as “ I can’t fix you by I tried”, “ look what you did, drown in your senses”. the singer shares of the track.

She continues, "However, I came to the realization that I did not need to "be fixed", I was myself and all the negativity that was present in the relationship made our love feel like depression. I finally came to terms that I tried my best and that is enough. True love entails acceptance of who the other person is and not trying to mold them into something else. Instead of placing liability on your shoulders, a person who loves you should care about you with all your “faults". They should not make the prospect of love depressing."

Inspired by the likes of Clairo, Lorde, and Lana Del Rey, AVIV began her musical journey at a young age, first exploring poetry before foraying into songwriting. In 2020, the singer teamed up with producer Jackson Follemer to record her own compositions, which was followed by string of singles including Cookie Dough, Girls In Red, Frontlawn and Lonely Bitch. AVIV reached new audiences with her single Black Coffee, produced by Rian Lewis (Kiiara, D.R.A.M.), soon after signing with Photo Finish Records and releasing love of your life and Failed English.


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